Amity Investment Solutions (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Financial Services Provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act, 37 of 2002, license number 29661.
The company is authorised to provide the following services in terms of its FAIS license:
Category I & II, Advice and Intermediary Services: Long-term Insurance categories B and C, Structured Deposits, Retail Pension benefits, Pension Funds Benefits, Securities and Instruments, Shares, Money Market Instruments, Bonds, Debentures and securitised debt, Warrants, certificates and other instruments, Derivative instruments, Long-term Deposits, Short-term Deposits, Participatory interest in a hedge fund and Participatory interest in Collective Investment Schemes
Amity Investment Solutions Board of Directors supports the principles and practices set out in the King Report on Governance for South Africa 2009 and the King Code of Governance Principles (collectively, King III). The Board has taken steps to ensure that it applies the recommendations and requirements of King III, as reasonably practical for the company as possible.
Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (No. 37 of 2002) (“FAIS”) read with Board Notice 80 of 2003:
Amity Investment Solutions (Pty) Ltd (“AMITY”) is an authorised financial services provider under FAIS (FSP number: 29661). Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Buying and selling of financial products entails risk, please ensure that you are always appropriately advised and aware of all risks involved. No guarantee as to investment value or performance of any financial product is given or should be inferred.
Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002 (“CISCA”) and Board Notice 92 of 2014:
Boutique Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“BCI”) is approved by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) in terms of CISCA as a manager of collective investment schemes in securities. BCI is the manager of the Boutique Collective Investments Scheme and AMITY BCI Steady Growth FoF, AMITY BCI Prudent FoF, AMITY BCI Managed Select FoF, AMITY BCI Global Diversified FoF, AMITY BCI Diversified Income Fund and AMITY BCI Equity Income Fund are co-named portfolios of this scheme. AMITY is the discretionary financial services provider appointed to render asset management services in respect of these portfolios.
BCI are full members of the Association for Savings and Investment SA. We refer to BCI herein as “Manco” and AMITY as the “investment manager”.
Investment in participatory interests in collective investment schemes in securities are generally medium to long term investments. Investors should take cognisance of the fact that risks are involved in buying or selling any financial product. The value of participatory interests may go up or down and past performance is not necessarily an indication of or guide to future performance. Neither the Mancos nor the investment manager provides any guarantee in respect of either the capital or the return of a portfolio.
The Manco reserves the right, subject to the provisions of the supplemental deed of each respective portfolio, to close and reopen certain portfolios from time to time in order to manage them more efficiently in accordance with its mandate.
Collective investment schemes are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. A schedule of fees, charges and maximum commissions is available on request from the relevant Manco, free of charge. Additional information, including application forms and annual or quarterly reports can be obtained from the relevant Manco or the investment manager, free of charge. The charges of the most expensive class offered by the relevant Manco for direct investment by members of the public are reflected in the minimum disclosure document available on their website in respect of each relevant portfolio.
Should a performance fee be applicable in respect of an investment, the performance fees will be calculated and accrue on a daily basis, based upon the daily outperformance, in excess of the benchmark, multiplied by the share rate. Performance fees are paid over to the investment manager monthly.
Performance figures quoted is from Morningstar as at the date of publication of document, for a lump sum investment using either NAV-NAV with income reinvested or mandate specific parameters. Such performance figures do not take any upfront manager’s charge into account.
Income distributions are declared on the ex-dividend date.
Actual investment performance will differ based on the initial fees charge applicable, the actual investment date, the date of reinvestment and applicable dividend withholding tax.
Annualised return is the weighted average compound growth rate over the period measured.
Investments in foreign securities may include additional risks, such as potential constraints on liquidity and repatriation of funds, macroeconomic risk, political risk, foreign exchange risk, tax risk, settlement risk as well as potential limitations on the availability of market information.
BCI retain full legal responsibility for third-party-named portfolios.
Although reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the validity and accuracy of the information in a document, the use of such information is entirely at the risk of a client, investor or intermediary (“User”) and accordingly neither the investment manager, the Manco, affiliated companies, officers nor personnel shall be liable for any direct or indirect claim, damages, loss or expense incurred by the User, however arising, out of or in connection with the use of the information in this document.
Prior to selecting a financial product or portfolio in which to invest, it is recommended that investors seek independent, specialised financial, legal and tax advice in this regard. The information contained herein should not be construed by a User as an investment recommendation in respect of any financial product or an invitation to a User to invest in any financial product without having considered all of the associated risks. We do not imply that any specific financial product is suitable to the User.
A fund of funds is a portfolio that invests in portfolios of collective investment schemes that levy their own charges, which could result in a higher fee structure.
A feeder fund is a portfolio that invests in a single portfolio of collective investment schemes, which levies its own charges and which could result in a higher fee structure for the feeder fund.
Any marketing presentations or documents is a publication intended for private circulation and may not be distributed to any persons other than the intended recipients. It is for information purposes only and should not be seen as a legal offer. It is the responsibility of any person in possession of a document to inform themselves of, and observe, any applicable laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction.
Any forecasts or market commentary whether express or implied, while considered accurate at the time, are not guaranteed and may change without notification at any time.
Performance numbers are historical. The performance and risk statistics contained are net of fees.
Model Portfolios:
The sole objective is to explain the meaning of “model portfolio” and to highlight some of the most important terms, conditions and risks that investors need to be aware of when considering an investment in a model portfolio. A model portfolio is an investment strategy followed by an authorised Discretionary Investment Manager, where specific unit portfolios of one or more collective investment schemes are selected and grouped together for the purpose of the management of units in those unit portfolios and where the investor retains individual beneficial ownership of the investments. A model portfolio is an investment portfolio consisting of a number of underlying investment products, each with its own fee structure, wrapped into a single product. A model portfolio is not a registered unit trust but holds a portfolio of separate unit trusts and money market accounts or instruments. The model portfolio is constructed and managed on the basis that it aims to achieve the stated investment objective over the proposed investment period. Investments in model portfolios are medium to long-term investments, past performance is not indicative of future returns and neither the capital nor investment returns are guaranteed. There is always an inherent risk of capital loss or fluctuation in portfolio valuations during the investment period due to changes in market conditions from time to time. Each specific client experience will be different given differences of underlying fund fee classes and money market funds used on different LISPS.
Any email transmitted by any employee, contractor or officer of Amity Investment Solutions (Pty) Ltd ("AMITY") or which is transmitted on behalf of AMITY is transmitted on the following terms and conditions.
Email correspondence contains confidential information, which is only for the use of the intended recipient. Any interception, copying or disclosure of any email by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received an email from AMITY in error, please notify immediately and delete the email thereafter.
AMITY reserves the right, subject to applicable law, to retain and monitor all electronic communications.
While AMITY is authorised as a financial services provider under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002, nothing contained in emails transmitted on behalf of AMITY shall (unless expressly indicated otherwise) constitute legal, financial, tax or any other type of advice.
Any material included in any email transmitted by AMITY is for information purposes only and (unless specifically indicated otherwise) does not amount to an invitation to invest, an offer or any solicitation of investment in any fund or collective investment scheme. Nothing contained in any email transmitted by AMITY shall constitute an advertisement under Board Notice 92 of 2014 (Advertising, Marketing and Information Disclosure Requirements of Collective Investment Schemes) published under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 or be deemed to be a solicitation for investment.
Notwithstanding the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (“ECTA”), this email does not constitute a binding agreement, unless the terms of agreement have been recorded in a duly executed document, which has been signed by the parties. Notwithstanding ECTA, “signed” shall mean a signature executed by hand on paper containing the document or by affixing an advanced electronic signature, as defined in the ECTA.
Neither AMITY nor its officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any direct or indirect loss howsoever suffered or incurred, arising from an email transmitted subject to these terms and conditions and/or from the accessing of any attachments, including but not necessarily limited to loss or damage/s caused by any type of malicious software
Amity Investment Solutions will take all reasonable efforts to protect personal information of its mutual clients. In this regard a policy has been adopted in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPI Act). For any further information, please contact our office at:
Amity Investment Solutions has adopted a Conflict of Interest Policy, which is reviewed annually and available on request from our offices within business hours. For any further information, please contact our office at:
If you have a complaint, please contact Amity Investment Solutions head office. The internal complaints department will assist you to address the concerns you have. Please note that in terms of the FAIS Act, all complaints must be addressed to us in writing. You can also lodge a complaint electronically via e-mail. Should we not be able to address the concerns to your satisfaction, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of the FAIS Ombud. If you wish to learn more about our complaints policy and procedure, please contact our office and we will forward you a copy of our complaints procedures.
Contact details for Amity Investment Solutions complaints department is:
Ian Hutton
Tel: 087 980 5320
The Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000, gives effect to section 32 of the Constitution, which provides that everyone has the right to access information held by the State or any other person (or private body), when that information is required for the exercise or protection of any rights.
The purpose of PAIA is to:
- Foster a culture of transparency and accountability in public and private bodies by giving effect to the right of access to information.
- Actively promote a society in which the people of South Africa have effective access to information to enable them to more fully exercise and protect all of their rights.
Amity Investment Solutions recognises everyone’s right to access to information and is committed to provide access to the Amity Investment Solutions records where the proper procedural requirements as set out by PAIA and POPI have been met.
For any further information, please contact our office at:
SiriusLex (Pty) Ltd
Germa Beukes
FSCA Compliance Officer CO 945
Cell: 082 894 5148
Amity Investment Solutions holds the requisite Professional Indemnity and Directors & Officers Liability cover.
Tel: 012 762 5000 / 086 066 3247
Postal: P.O. Box 74571, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
Physical: 125 Dallas Avenue, Menlyn Central, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria, 0010
The fair treatment of customers is central to Amity Investment Solutions culture and customers must be confident when obtaining any form of financial advice. TCF is about an ethical way of doing business in a sustainable manner.
For any further information, please contact our office at: